Finally found a suitable adapter!
Well, this is really happening. I actually got this blog under way! After a whole lot of struggle in an effort to find a suitable adapter for my computer, I have an internet connection. San Diego is simply amazing, but getting here wasn't exactly a walk in a park.
The flight from Helsinki to JFK, New York was painless and I had no complaints at all. It was absolutely amazing to see Greenland from the plane, not to mention the silhouette of Manhattan. I can't even begin to tell how much I'm waiting to go to New York after the exchange period in SD. The flight from JFK to San Diego was another story though.
The bastards seated me next to a latino family, a grandma and her two grandchildren. Never before in my life have I felt an almost irresistible urge to strangle a kid. Well, been there and done that now. Didn't actually strangle either of the children though...maybe I should have. They were the most annoying children ever. Honestly, if my future children become like that, I'll sell them to Mongolia or some other distant location. The other one cried literally the whole trip, constantly craving attention from her grandma, and the other one (both were girls) wriggled the whole flight, and seemed to try to take my seat as well. Ah well, it's over now.
As I said, San Diego is magnificent. It is an extremely beautiful city and the weather is PERFECT. 28C all day everyday, with nice cars, seemingly nice people etc. etc. We spent the first 2 nights in a hostel in downtown San Diego. Though most of our time was spent exploring the city, which is just amazing, we also managed to find an apartment. Fully furnished, 3 bedrooms, two full bathrooms (meaning two bathtubs :) and a swimming pool outside. We still need a car though, can't live without one here in the west. I'll up a video of the crib soon.

San Diego
It's hard to describe what it's like here. I've thoroughly enjoyed every moment. On the first day we just walked around the downtown area, now we've been to several places already. Last night we were at my friend Anssi's (who lives in San Diego) friend's place barbequeing. They had a nice house over there, with a pool and a jacuzzi in the backyard, and a pool table and a TWO like 60" screens inside. I've bought quite a bit of clothes etc. here, the possibilities for shopping are unlimited. I really wasn't much of a shopper until now. Can't wait to visit Tijuana. Oh, there's also a naval base here, and at least 3 aircraft carriers in the harbor, including the US Navy flagship USS Nimitz and the now museum, former flagship USS Midway. There's just too much to tell right now, I'll get back to all this later.

PS. There's only one thing that's not good here. There's this certain girl that had to stay back home...would have loved to take her with me. 6 months ago I wouldn't have believed that I would now say that it just doesn't feel the same without someone. Well, it really doesn't. While I'm enjoying my time here, I'm also dying to get back to Finland...well, luckily that someone just might come to New York City for new year B)

Moro jugi, Sul on magee BLOGI!!! Aikamoisen näköstä siellä. Taidat viihtyä Ameriiikassa! Ei muuta ku lippu korkeella ja San Diego haltuun!!!! Keep up the good work, HEH!!
-Antti ja Laura
6:08 AM
Antti! Long time no talk! Kyllä viihdyn, ylläri ylläri! Tosin minäkin tapasin aivan loistavan tytön yllättäen sillon ku oon varmasti lähössä vaihtoon. No, tää ei oo pitkä aika :D
Hauska kuulla susta!
11:32 AM
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