Mexican food and vietnamese department stores
I'm loving San Diego, the last few days have been great! Monday was a good, relaxing day spent at Pacific Beach, or PB. I went swimming in the Pacific Ocean for the first time; what a refreshing experience in the heat of San Diego. The beach is really cool, filled with surfers and swimmers, mostly young people. Jogging on the beach barefooted was immediately added to my things-to-do list, as the cool sand by the sea is sooo comfortable to walk on...can't wait to run on it! Perttu's day didn't go as smoothly, as he decided to visit a few stores but the distances were a bit longer than expected. Well, all went well in the end. We need a car by the way; carrying 10kg of groceries, especially in this temperature, is no joy. Oh, Tropicana-juice costs around $3/2 liters, which not too bad. That's all I drink here.

Tuesday was even better than Monday. The day could have started off better though; we decided to head to Balboa Park for some sights, but it turned out that it's not really designed for pedestrians. It's bigger than Central Park in New York City. Well, the air was too hot for the devil and there wasn't even a breeze in the park so we decided to come back when we have a car. It's not like you can't move around without a car in the park, it's just that getting to the interesting areas takes forever.

After the failed venture into the park we headed for some lunch, ended up eating some Greek gyros and stuff. After that Trever, a friend of ours picked me and Perttu up and showed us around a bit. We toured around San Diego for hours, catching some amazing sights and astonishing views. Oh, and the upper class neighborhoods here...think of Kauniainen, just bigger and with a better view. Hmm, ok, the Gallträsk area in Kauniainen is very impressive, the view there and all. Nothing beats that. Well, the view is not even the best part, not by a longshot.
After driving around and stopping for some sights we headed for some GREAT burritos. Honestly, I'll never ever go to a "Mexican" style restaurant in Finland again since they completely suck compared to the Mexican food they serve around here. I'm sure my compadres in Mexico will agree with me thoroughly, on not eating that stuff in Finland anymore. After I experienced one of the strangest experiences during the whole trip. We went to this vietnamese, yes, VIETNAMESE, grocery/departement store. Man that place was off the hook! First of all the smell, it was like there was a herd of cattle inside the store. Second, there was some sort of a gutter in the middle of the store! Third, there were live fish in a fishtank! Fourth, there were all sorts of animal limbs on the meat counter! Fifth, Trever said that they had put the weirdest stuff away cause it was getting late; and that they had fresh, but very dead, ducks hanging from the roof at one space and whatnot. Well, it was interesting. Now it's time to go to bed.

Helvetti olisit kertonut, että sulla on tällanen juttupalsta... kivalta kyllä näyttää elämä maailman toisella laidalla. Live your dream, mate!
12:42 PM
Maseet on tilukset! Toivottavasti jaksat pitää blogia koko reissun ajan. Catwalkit kutsuu mua tossa 12 tunnin päästä.
ps. Mä käytän sun shortsejas syksyn verran niistämiseen ja vessan pesemiseen. Sit teen niistä tilkkutäkin ja annan sulle joululahjaks.
10:36 AM
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