And there was Mercedes...

Yes, yes, yes! Ladies and gentlemen, I have an announcement to make: CANNONBALL! We finally got our Mercedes-Benz! It's an 86 E300 with 178,000 miles driven so far, automatic transmission naturally, leather interior, a very good air conditioning, skyroof, electric windows...oh yes. And oh, so 80's; the color is CREAM :D The 3-liter V6 under the hood isn't a bad engine at all, so far the car is like a dream.

We are actually now planning to take the MB for a serious test drive: we might be going to San Francisco on the weekend, it's a long drive...hopefully our friend can take it! 178,000 miles isn't that much for an MB from that era though, especially in this Cali climate. You know, no rain, sun all year long. I don't think I have to elaborate on how much I like the climate here? Whenever it's raining wherever you are, just think about me sitting in the sun. I don't know if it'll make you feel better, but you'll know I'm most likely feeling better ;)
Not much has happened lately though, we did invite some friends over on friday and opened our half-gallon smirnoff bottle. Not much drinking but fun anyway. Oh, now that we've got the car, we went and bought some groceries. Like 30 cans of beer. Cost: 15 bucks, not bad at all! Oh, and some smart salesperson at Rubio's asked for my name; I promptly handed her my Finnish driver's licence and she mistook my name for Ajokortti. The receipt actually said "Thank you, Guest Ajokortti!". And I felt offended! Should have dragged their asses to court. Se on JUGI eikä mikään vitun JUKI!
In fact, the only thing that spared the poor girl from 10 years in prison was that I actually had my first fish tacos that day and actually liked them. I've been getting into this fish-thing lately, for some reason. I don't know, something must be having a good influence on me.
School stuff...well, the German for beginners didn't quite work out, but I got the third course of German instead (I have an exam on Thursday, I'm laughing already!). It's very easy as well, though the book is painfully expensive: 150 bucks! Other than that, school is going well, all the projects and that stuff, the little I have. Most of the time I spend on campus are at a table at East Commons, the place to hang out at campus. The conversation there spans from piss-poo to high level transcendental philosophy so I feel at home there. My philosophical side is showing some signs of life again. Anyway, there's lots of people passing by and stopping at our table, I could easily hang out all day at that spot. I'll be there tomorrow as well, between classes. Off to bed now.
PS. That blue-white shorts-and-t-shirt outfit is my running gear, I don't walk around in that attire!

Uuh mama mikä auto!
1:42 AM
Ootsä se ringo beatlesist?
6:38 AM
Hahahaha oon luvannut eräälle kasvattaa tukkaa niin kauan että nähdään. Saa nähä kuinka pitkäks kasvaa.
9:18 AM
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