It doesn't take much to impress me, now does it?

My trip to San Francisco is over now and it's that normal life again. You know, a few hours of classes here and there, chillin at the pool, maybe a bit of running. I like these types of routines.
But by the beard of Zeus, San Francisco is one magnificent city! I can't even begin to describe what it was like to stroll along the streets of ' was like living a movie. You know, all your life you've seen those structures on TV and all that, and suddenly you're in the middle of it. I walked on Golden Gate, I strolled the streets of Chinatown, wandered around the Financial District, explored the bustling harbor area known as Fisherman's Wharf and paced the shadowy corridors of the Rock, better known as Alcatraz. Needless to say I had a lot of fun in San Francisco. No, for all you who are curious, I did not drink my face off there. Nothing like that, but I did experience a city that is totally different from anything I've seen before. So American, yet so European. It really did combine both; the skyscrapers this country is so well known for, and the beautiful Victorian/British style apartments. Oh, I just can't forget all the street artists at Fisherman's Wharf...what a wonderful city, really.

Yet even the most wonderful sights of San Francisco could not topple Yosemite national park. In Yosemite, I got to witness without doubt the most breathtaking landscape I have ever seen. The rock formations there, were simply amazing. I was literally breathless for a moment, while I concentrated on my surroundings and on the incredible vista at Glacier Point. I will never forget. Oh, we saw some giant redwoods as know, those trees that compete with skyscrapers in height? Yes, they were awesome.

San Francisco was not all positive though. First, I must say that I have to tip my hat to this nation. They have reasons to be proud of themselves and the country they have built. All the ambitious, seemingly impossible projects such as settling the wild west or building all the enormous bridges and sky-reaching buildings, all of this have these people aspired to achieve, and have succeeded extraordinarily. However, at some point some things must have gone wrong somehow. How come the world's richest country has somewhere around 3 million people who are homeless? It was truly saddening to see how many homeless persons wandered the streets of San Francisco. It hasn't always been like this; only after president Reagan and his extreme right wing politics. And despite this growing problem, the Bush administration keeps cutting all social benefits...I can only hope things will get better at some point. Things tend to reach balance at one point or another, so we'll just have to wait and see.

Ahh, there is not much else going on at the moment. I had a full day of classes today, and one short class tomorrow as well. On the weekend I'm prolly gonna go see another Aztecs games, likely with Trever and hopefully Anssi will join the fray. Maybe head for downtown afterwards? Don't really know yet. My ethics class is highly interesting at least, just what I had hoped for. Sales Management is proving to be an educating class as well, and might prove to be my salvation as it does have a significant international aspect, which might spare me from spending another 3 weeks in Mikkeli when I return to Finland. Those three weeks I would like to avoid, I have no desire to go back to Mikkeli then; I have more urgent matters to tend to.
Oh, one more thing. I bought my first non-hip hop records in at least 8 years. Bruce Springsteen's "the Rising" and what a great record it is. I may have to get another record by the Boss..."the Rising" fits perfectly into my present mindset, reminds me of someone. However, it is not the only great record I've bought here so far. 4 others, all them great. Special mention goes to "Wild Style" soundtrack which is off the hook! Anyway, until next time!

vau. Ja minä olen lähdössä piskuiseen Nuuksioon.
Sun juttuja lukiessa sitä on aina ihmetyksestä soikeana.
Ehkä sitä joskus pitäisi seilata Atlantin yli.
10:47 AM
Sounds like you had a blast, in Frisco and Yosemite. Makes for nice reading.
Looking forward to dropping in on you guys at Thanksgiving !
6:30 PM
Yes yes, we welcome you with outstretched hands, sire.
Ida Ida, Nuuksio on ihan kiva paikka. Mäkin haluan sinne vierailulle täältä palattuani. Mutta suosittelen tarkastamaan tämän maan, on täällä oikeasti paljon ihmeitä ja perspektiiviäkin saa :)
8:50 PM
Hauska lukeä näitä juttuja ihan toisesta maailmasta, sitä pääsee itsekin hetkeksi arkea pakoon.
Saat kertoa kyllä vielä enemmän Friscon kaksijakoisuudesta, voidaan sitten puida yhdessä näitä yhteiskuntakysymyksiä :)
5:15 AM
no jugi-boy ainakin oot saanu kunnon manne mersun alles ja elämä näyttää maistuvan vaikka ootkin rumin jätkä tossa sun alzheimer tukassa, suosittelen että ammut ittes.=) tekis itekkin mieli painella sinne, kuulostaa sen verta aateliselta.kikkelissä ei oo meno muuttunu, vedän jäätäviä jurreja, kourin naisia ja hölmöilen eli samaa kun aina .. pidä kivaa t.mikkelin kreivitär tom
8:39 AM
Moiks:) Olipa hauskaa lukea juttujas ja kuulla seikkailuistas siellä kaukana. Tuskin tarvii kehottaakaan nauttimaan täysillä:). Tänne kuuluu ihan tavallista arkea. Kyllä joutuu melkein olee kateellinen...:)
12:01 PM
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