God bless Scandinavian education system!

This weekend has been a bit more laid back than the last one, thankfully. In fact, I finally got my gym membership: I joined the Mission Valley YMCA gym! It's not too bad, not too expensive, includes all sorts of facilities and stuff, and it's right around the corner from our apartment. I naturally tried it right away, and got my insanely fit, enormous muscles somewhat sore actually. I prolly should work out more. Anyway, it's fun to stay at the YMCA.
Oh yeah, exams here seem to be somewhat easy. The other option is that I've suddenly become insanely gifted, as I received 94 from my first German exam practically without studying at all, and 90 from my Sales Management exam, with the average being approximately 75. I studied a bit more than an hour for that. The modest man that I am, I am content believing that my success here is because of our superior education system in Finland. Quite honestly, it is surprising how inefficient most of these guys are at their studies. See, I am not the only Finn who is doing extremely well without studying. Tuija has had some impressive results as well. Ah well, I don't mind getting good grades without working, I am on a vacation after all. However, I believe my Networking exam went straight to hell. If it didn't, then lady luck must have had her spoon in the soup.

A funny thing happened today: we got fined. Yes, a letter from San Francisco arrived, claiming that we had sped through a bridge toll without paying. The bastards even had our license plate photographed! Well, if you creeps at the cursed town of San Francisco are reading this: we're not paying, not without a fight! Indeed, we did naught wrong! We did cross the bridge without paying, westbound, while the toll was only for those travelling EASTBOUND. Therefore, we are innocent. Well, I'm sure they'll wanna argue with us over 25 bucks, especially since we're just three exchange students with absolutely horrible english. We are issuing an official complaint first though, we'll see how it goes.
Otherwise, well, not much has happened lately. I'll be going to LA next weekend, I'm thinking it'll be an interesting experience. This weekend I visited Coronado Island, a very wealthy neighborhood here in San Diego, and home to Hotel Del Coronado, one of the most famous sights of San Diego. It has been featured in various films, although not lately. Stars such as Marilyn Monroe have stayed in the hotel, and it was quite luxurious indeed. I'll have to pay another visit with my own Marilyn as well. I must say though, the apartment prices on Coronado Island weren't the cheapest: a one bedroom house costs around $1,250,000. The area actually resembled our beloved Grankulla more than a little.

That's all for now, I'll be posting more in the near future, hopefully. Unless the long arm of law catches up with me.

Have to say that the tap water here in America sucks, they actually put chlorine in it, so its no wonder it tastes awful! Also the classes here although good fun and challenging in some repects are extremely easy. 88 in 2 exmas without really reading. Then again waiting for HRM which will be like 40 !
4:38 PM
Ai ne oikeesti laittaa klooria siihen veteen? No ilmankos se maistuuki ihan uimahallilta.
10:08 PM
maistuuko se enemmän uimahallin kaakeleilta vai pukukopilta?
4:22 AM
Korjaus: uima-altaalta.
10:13 AM
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